Feels Like North

Cruelty-free nordic brand

How Polar Night and Day influence our creativity and why hedgehog is attending the Wooden Party

Life up North, StudioKonrad BoeskeComment

Feels Like North has a lot familiar with animals by sending money for these creatures in need.

And you know - the name Feels Like North itself says a lot of common with everything that is connected with the far far far far North Pole. That means night and day, tons of snow and changing the internal clock.

Do we work more during Polar Day? It is reasonable for one to assume. NO ONE SLEEPS, EVERYONE WORKS 24/h, let’s catch the sun as long as it wants to stay with us.

And during the Polar Night? DONT WAKE ME UP TILL SUMMER.

But it is not like that. It all lies in the small but essential detail: Feels LIKE North. So we don’t drown into cosy yet impermeable darkness. Al well as we don’t fight with the windows curtains all night long during summer.

We adjust.

Our senses adjust.

Feels Like North as a company follow the natural rhythm.

It is easier to weave jewellery in the full sun. On the other hand, for Konrad, work in the workshop brings more happiness while done in the Polar Night.

Different perspectives, the same pattern - adjust and listen to your motivation, listen to yourself. Not every moment will be perfect to create.

We are not hedgehogs - we don’t push it to the extreme. Why? Because we are not the North. We are Feels Like North - a slight variation of polar life.

But hedgehog, which by the way, is called Jarzabek (polish name diminution for ash tree), he knows how to party. However, he does not share our make-it-an easy-version mood. He wants to party every day, trying to grip our summer awakening to the stars.

Being hedgehog as an employee would be an exciting plot in functioning Feels Like North. You would have to wait for your order… till the shift in our rhythm of life.